Date : 26th February 2013
Day : Tuesday
Topic : CALL in Language Skills
Dear our readers, today we enhanced our knowledge about CALL in language skills. We were introduced with several acronyms used in CALL and some of them were unfamiliar to us ^^, Such as:
CELL : Computer Enhanced Language Learning
CALI : Computer Assisted Language Instructions
CBLT : Computer Based Language Training
NBLT : Network- Based Language Training
and many more...
Alhamdulillah now we learnt the terms and feel good about them=)
We also learnt about other benefits of CALL to students based on previous research such as increased motivation, improvement of self-concept, mastery of basic skills, student-centered, active process, higher order thinking skills and others. Yes, we believe that CALL give multiple advantages to teachers and students. As our lecturer asked us to elaborate on one of the benefits, we choose Improvement of Self-concept.
Improvement of Self-concept as a Benefit of CALL
The term self-concept is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about or perceives themselves (link). Computer Assisted Language Learning improves one's self concept in various ways. Firstly, students can be very independent and self reliance because they can gain information from the internet such as from academic journals, online news, e-books and scholarly article. For example, online databases are provided in university library's website such as Academic Search Premier, JetP, ACM Digital Library, Britannica Online and many more. Thus, students will improve their knowledge from time to time and be able to study independently. This simultaneously will improve their way of thinking and their self confidence. In addition, learners will be more open minded because they are exposed with several views from different sources. Besides, many dictionary software available to assist students in learning new words and be more confident in using those words in writing and speaking.
Furthermore, the computer adds various attractions since "it gives the learner immediate feedback and the chance 'to have another go' until the quiz is mastered" (Bongaerts, Haan & Lobbe,1998, p.10). Bongaerts, Haan & Lobbe argued that some software that can build up quizzes and drills using the computer such as Adobe Flash Player encourages learners to learn more and grow the enthusiasm in learners. This application is very attractive and suitable for learners in various ages. At the same time, they will gain confidence when they are able to solve the problems given and developing skills which are important for themselves such as thinking skills and time management skill.
Apart from that, the computer is usually used to reinforce or to support the existing curriculum. It is true that CALL techniques have been successfully applied to some language skills (Ward & Renandya, 1998). Thus, the users can improve their self-concept in various language skills using the computer. Many computer programs particularly word processors (Microsoft Office, Documents to Go, Apple Pages, and Nisus Writer) are very helpful in improving the users' writing skills. The tools available in the applications such as spell check, auto-correct, sentence structure check, synonym and antonym, words translator enable users to edit and enhance their writing skills. This simultaneously increase their vocabulary and also enhance speaking skills.
Last but not least, it is true that various applications in computer will improve self-concept among students and computer users. Thus, it is important for computer users to utilize the applications wisely in order to gain more benefits.
Written by: Ainina, Amirah, Amira & Raihan.
Ward, C. & Renandya, W. (1998). Computers and Language Learning. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Bongaerts,T., Haan, P.D & Lobbe (1998). Computer Applications in Language Learning. USA: Foris Publication.
Lisa, R.k., Self-concept enhancement, computer education and remediation: A study of the relationship between a multifaceted intervention program and academic achievement. (January 1, 1992)
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