Sunday, 24 February 2013

Reflection: 2nd Lecture; Electronic Portfolio

Date  :19th February 2013
Day   : Tuesday
Topic : E-Portfolio

       Dear brothers and sisters, how are you today? May Allah bless us with His mercy and blessings. Today, we would like to share about E-Portfolio. Well, it is almost similar to the manual portfolio we used to have back in school before. However, e-portfolio has multiple advantages.

       Electronic portfolios are much more than innovative resumes or scrapbooks.As we reach electronic saturation, new norms of work are emerging. Arising out of this critical mass is a vision of how educational institutions can benefit, which is with the e-portfolio.       Portfolios are not a new concept. In various guises, digital presentations of skills and competences, online records of achievement and action plans with opportunities for reflection have been in use in education for nearly a decade. Tools and systems built for these purposes are now numerous.
There is a push to free student work from paper and to make it 

  • organized 
  • searchable
  • transportable 

The benefits for e-portfolio user:


  • increased learning effectiveness 
  • enhance information technology skills 
  • organize the works and information 

Other Benefits:
  • Students’ progress can be observed by parents, teachers and students themselves.
  • It allows teachers and students to do the process of evaluating the learning process in an innovative way and more effective.
This figure is taken from this website : benefits E-Portfolio 

Apart from learning e-portfolio, we also learnt about the Reflection. Let us share!

What is reflection?
Reflection is actually the core or main issue in collaborative and integrative CALL. It promotes self awareness as well as personal and professional growth. Reflection can be done individually or collectively. Furthermore, reflection will bring out a unique perspective in ourselves as student about what we have learned. It will make students understand the topic learned better and thus gaining better insights of particular topics that we have learned. In addition, it opens our eyes about our roles as Muslims in the quest for knowledge. Through reflection, we can get a clear concept of our action therefore we can reflect back whether we have done right things or not while we were in the learning process.

To sum up, it is our duty to share the knowledge and spread Islamic messages. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, we can use the electronic portfolio to provide and share information. Undoubtedly, it is more creative and innovative!

So, today's quote:


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