Saturday, 23 February 2013

Reflection 3: Islamization of Knowledge (IOK)

Date  : 21st February 2013
Day   : Thursday
Topic : Islamization of Knowledge (IOK)

     Salaam to all beautiful souls! Alhamdulillah, we still wake up today with Iman & Islam, the two biggest gifts that has been given by our creator. We’re on week 3 and the topic of the week is Islamization of Knowledge.

     First of all, we would like to give credit to Dr Mahmudul Hasan for his power point slides which we’ve used in his class. What we got for this week? Everything on Earth, almost everything even as small as a sunflower seed has its Islamic point of view. The term Islamicisation is actually introduced by Prof Kamal Hassan who was the former rector of this university.

We ponder upon this beautiful Hadith during the lesson:
“The relationship of the believer with another believer is like (the bricks) of building, each strengthens the other” – Bukhari & Muslim.

What is Islamization?
     Islamization can be defined as desecularisation of modern contemporary human knowledge, reform of thought and development of knowledge together with its Islamic perspectives. The first slide was full of questions which can be taken as food for thoughts, the questions made us think and ponder on our responsibilities as a vicegerent of Allah and made us aware of the current situation of our brother and sisters in Islam all over the world.

Concept of IOK
  • Since IOK is a term describes a variety of attempts and approaches to synthesize the ethics of Islam, it is a duty to academicians and professionals in the field of teaching to integrate this approach in learning process.

  • We have to deal with the concept of existing modern knowledge which has been embodied in current system and how to develop IOK. Muslims are urged to learn from them. However, the Muslim should possess the Islamic worldview necessary to filter out theories that are not in line with the Aqidah (the belief) and Shari’ah (Islamic rules and regulations).

  • It is the process of intellectual reform implies the incalculation of Islamic spiritual values and ethics in the mind. It is also referred to the personality and conduct of the Muslim academic and scholars as expected in Muslim’s university.

How  to inculcate such values and ethics?
It is by reintegrating values and ethics of revealed knowledge likely in Islamic ethics, Islamic Aqidah, Sciences of Quran in the disciplines of social sciences, human sciences and professional sciences like Sociology and Anthropology, Political Science, Medic, Dentistry and History. 
There are two recognized strategies which can help in inculcate the Revealed knowledge’s ethics and values in the secular sciences:
  1.       The reform of the university curriculum
  2.       The refinement of the character and work ethics of all staff & students.

  • We have learnt how important it is to reform the curriculum of the university in line with Islamic teaching and to have refinement of characters and work ethic among colleagues. We also had further discussion on the IIUM dress code, either to have it as a rule and regulation or to chop it off for the university laws. However, all of us agreed that the IIUM dress code should be in the rules as students may at least be aware of their dress code from time to time. Without us noticing, the Islamic dress code do contributes to our thinking and lifestyle and it even helps us more in Islamization of knowledge as to improve our code and conduct, spiritual needs and others; our physical appearance has to start first.
  • Learning this topic has awakened us up from the illusion of this world. Everyone reflects back the reason why they have been created by Allah S.W.T. We started to realize the main purpose of we have been living in this world by simply looking at the question who do we represent? Firstly, we represent our parents, then our family, our hometown, our country, Muslim communities, and the most important thing is,we represent our religion-Islam. Therefore we should show good example to others.
  • By becoming good and excellent students in studies, we can help to build the nation and Ummah through Islamic way of life.

     Yes, IOK is a very important concept not just in teaching and learning, but also in everyday management of life. We should learn, practice, and apply this concept in our lives therefore we can fulfill our duty as vicegerents in this earth.

Last but not least, as a motivation for us, let us reflect on this words:

Books and links about IOK - let's click:

IOK explanation

IOK- article "Yesterday and Today"

The Quest for an Islamic Methodology


Ali & Muhammad Mumtaz.,(2010). The History and Philosophy of Islamization of knowledge : a Preliminary Study of Pioneers' Thoughts. Selangor: IIUM Press.

Mohamed Aslam Haneef., (2009). A Critical Survey of Islamization of knowledge. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Press.


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